Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

If you have come to this page, it is likely that you are struggling with issues concerning Narcissistic Abuse or any type of toxic relationship with someone in your life. That someone could be your partner, parent, other family member, a friend or someone in your workplace.

Narcissistic abuse is usually damaging emotionally, physically and financially it can stay with you for a long time.  It can leave you with a loss of self worth, feeling at fault or blame (self blame),  chronic guilt and shame, lack of trust in others, isolation, confusion, boundary issues, anger and severe anxiety, depression and being constantly in the flight or fight mode.  If not dealt with and the trauma continues long term this can lead to immunosuppressed symptoms in the body, headaches, stomach aches and even long term illnesses.

 General Signs of a Narcissistic Abuser:

  • Gaslighting 
  • Controlling behaviour
  • Manipulation
  • Belittling and criticising
  • Lack of empathy or emotions towards you
  • Bullying

There are many more signs of Narcissistic abuse. If you wish to explore these with the possibility of healing with me, we can talk and help understand the ‘Narc’ themselves and as to the potential why’s?.

Sessions to recovery

My aim is to not feel better but to be better for yourself…..

My experience in Narcissistic Abuse has been explored personally and through my studies professionally. I can support you from a very knowledgeable understanding in this area and what is needed, particularly emotionally, to be able to move forward to thrive in your life.

Together, you will be able to gain a better understanding of the language ‘tactics’ and the mental mind games used by the Narcissist. I will give you techniques to manage your own emotions with the Narcissist's continuing abuse, even after you have left or removed yourself from the relationship. You will learn to set healthy boundaries and perfect communication techniques as well as to deal with aspects of the emotional side of the abuse i.e. anxiety, panic attacks and anger.

I will also be able to guide you in the right direction and help you explore options to keep yourself safe. If you have children with your ex partner, we can look at options to keep them safe or ways to keep a healthy relationship with your children to support them through the troubling times.

Read and Listen

I have three recommended books that I think will support you in your journey for thriving not just surviving, from Narcissistic Abuse and toxic relationships in general.

Psychopath Free: Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships with Narcissists, Sociopaths and Other Toxic People. I found this book very early on in my journey. I also found that many of my clients have discovered this book too, when starting to realise that they are going through or are coming out of a toxic relationship. 

POWER: Surviving and Thriving after Narcissistic Abuse by Shahida Arabi.  I discovered and read this book recently. It does come from the Author’s perspective from her own personal abuse from her parents and provides ways of healing and getting through the aftermath of a traumatic relationship.

Enough about you, let's talk about me by Dr. Les Carter. He has been in the counselling profession for over 30 years and I consider him to be one of the leading experts in toxic behaviours such as narcissism. He also has a YouTube channel dedicated to Narcissistic behaviour.

These are not affiliate links and there is no income generated or credit derived from these recommendations. 


POWER: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse: A Collection of Essays on Malignant Narcissism and Recovery from Emotional Abuse by Shahida Arabi

Available on Amazon


Psychopath Free: Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, and other Toxic People by Jackson MacKenzie

Available on Amazon


Enough about you, let's talk about me. How to recognise and manage the Narcissists in Your Life by Dr. Les Carter.

Available on Amazon


We discuss what is a Narcissist and steps to recovery - just under 9 minutes.

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